Introducing... the Suffolk County Tourist Board

On a recent trip to Suffolk I was trying to take some subtly trippy pictures of the place that gave good Middle England with a psychedelic edge. What I ended up with though was a bunch of pleasant holiday snaps of some touristy things that look quite nice anyway. In an effort to salvage something from the process, I've decided to edit some of them in the style of a promo campaign by the Suffolk County Tourist Board extolling the merits of the region as somewhere for people to come to get wasted. Very good indeed for the local economy, and I'm certain it's what the Suffolk County Tourist Board would want if it actually existed*. Furthermore, it's occurred to me that by default might well be the Suffolk County Tourist Board, and this is definitely what I would recommend.

A few weeks on now, I must say that I've started taking my role as the Suffolk County Tourist Board very seriously. At present I'm having a big push to get people to consider Aldeburgh for day trips. And if you want to hear about commitment, I had to lie on the ground in concerning proximity to some dog poo to get that shot of the spiral staircase. 4 real. (Apart from the @FuckingSuffolked twitter/X account, which sadly isn't 4 real, but perhaps should be.)

[*It doesn't seem to exist, anyway. Hey SCTB, if you do exist, get in touch and let's collab. There's no local tourist board in the country that wouldn't reap the benefits of a psychedelic rebrand. It'd be certain to get the area a feature on something like Countryfile or regional television.]